I can’t quite believe it’s July already and with lockdown easing the signs of international travel are returning and so I wanted to send you a personal update…
Like so many of you who are ready to book a trip away, we are waiting with baited breath for the travel corridors to be agreed upon and officially announced. We were hoping that would have been on Monday, but we are now expecting more news by the end of the week. As we have recently communicated, we have seen a surge in holiday enquiries – which is great – and we have helped finalise bookings for later on in the year and as far away as spring 2021, so do get in touch if you have any plans we can help you with.
We are now gearing up for our return to the office, albeit on a part time basis to start with, until the level of enquiries & bookings get back to what it was pre Covid-19. During this initial opening phase of the office, we will be operating a strict policy of 2 people in the office at one time and strictly by appointment only. The front sales desk (over 3 metres away from where I sit) will be where you can sit and chat about your next travel adventure, knowing that it’s a safe distance from me. There will be hand sanitiser available and the office will be cleaned daily. Anyone passing by foot or by car will be able to wave to us –I have really missed waving back and being a part of the community! Any questions, or to make an appoiontment, call us on 020 8891 0166.
Time for reflection…although these past few months has been worrying and stressful at times, I have also really enjoyed my time at home as a family. For those of you who know me well, you will know that I am an awful worrier and until I know that you have had a brilliant holiday and you’re home safely, I simply cannot relax – even in my own leisure time. Since the travel ban & no one has been able to travel, I have not had that worry and I have been far more engaged, happier and stress-free. Now please don’t get me wrong, your holidays will always be one of the most important things in my life, but this small break has taught me that I need to change a few things about myself…
Click here to read the rest and get the latest multi-generational family holiday ideas!