An update from the Thames Travel team.
First and foremost, we hope everyone is safe and well during these difficult times. We would also like to say a huge thank you to you all for your patience, support and understanding during this unprecedented situation. It is really appreciated.
We have delilberately taken a little time off from our socials and general communication over the past few weeks whilst we – like everyone else – adjust to the new normal. Our office is temporarily closed but we have been working hard behind the scenes and we’re pleased to report that all of our clients are now safely home, which has been our number one priority.
Moving forward, our primary focus now, is to continue to support all of our clients as the situation evolves and we’re busy working in date order to re-book holidays for those who are unable to depart in April & May. As things develop, this will extend to later months, but please note we can still only work in date order. If we have not yet made contact with you, we will do as soon as we’re able to.